about intrarosa
INTRAROSA is the only vaginal non-estrogen treatment for moderate to severe painful sex due to menopause.
INTRAROSA is made with a plant-derived form of DHEA combined with coconut and palm oils. In the same way as DHEA, your body naturally converts INTRAROSA into androgens and estrogens.*
*The mechanism of action of INTRAROSA is not fully established.
How is INTRAROSA different from lubricants?
Lubricants can moderately relieve symptoms of VVA, but INTRAROSA treats the underlying causes of painful sex due to menopause by improving the condition of the affected vaginal tissue.†
†Decreased percentage of parabasal cells, reduced vaginal pH, and increased percentage of superficial cells.
What causes painful sex due to menopause?
Painful sex due to menopause is a symptom of a chronic condition called vulvar and vaginal atrophy (VVA). Symptoms of VVA include dryness, irritation, painful urination, and painful sex.
After menopause, hormonal changes can lead to a variety of physical changes to the vagina, such as the loss of vaginal tissue, lubrication, and flexibility.
How long does it take for INTRAROSA
to start working?
Clinical studies show that, if used as directed, treatment with INTRAROSA can provide relief in 12 weeks. Learn more about INTRAROSA.
What are the side effects of INTRAROSA?
The most common side effects are vaginal discharge and changes in Pap smear. Learn more about the clinical study results of INTRAROSA.
What if the insert falls out
of the applicator?
If a vaginal insert falls onto an unsanitary surface, replace it with a new one. When in doubt, it is
safest to replace the insert with a new one. If you have questions, please call 1-877-810-21011-877-810-2101.
See instructions for using INTRAROSA.
How long will I be on INTRAROSA?
INTRAROSA has demonstrated pain relief in 12 weeks when used once daily at bedtime as prescribed, but you may find ongoing treatment is helpful. INTRAROSA has no limits on duration of use. A 52-week clinical trial found a decrease in pain during sex after 12 weeks of use and continued improvement of symptoms over 1 year with consistent daily use at bedtime. Discuss with your healthcare provider how long you should stay on INTRAROSA. See what makes INTRAROSA different.
Is INTRAROSA covered by insurance?
Most insurance plans cover INTRAROSA. Please check with your insurance plan for specific details.
Does INTRAROSA have a savings program?
Yes. Eligible commercially insured patients pay as little as a $35 copay for 28 vaginal inserts of INTRAROSA. Limitations apply. This offer is valid for commercially insured patients with a valid prescription for INTRAROSA. See full Terms and Conditions. If you have questions about the savings program, call us at 1-312-265-49891-312-265-4989.
To get savings now, click here.
I received INTRAROSA through a mail
order pharmacy that wouldn’t
accept the copay card. Can I be reimbursed?
Yes, you may be eligible for reimbursement. Call 1-312-265-4989 1-312-265-4989 for more information.

See clinical studies
Review the results from several
clinical studies that measured
how well INTRAROSA works.

Eligible commercially insured
patients will pay as little as a
$35 copay for 28 vaginal
inserts of INTRAROSA.